AI Tech, Their Present, and Our Future?
Unless you live off-grid, deep in the Amazon, far away from civilization (or the internet), you have heard about AI’s rising popularity and its acquired place in creative spaces and the world at large. While some folks fear losing their jobs to internet robots, others are excited about the possibilities: faster, cheaper, near-fool-proof-production that spans various industries. What could go wrong?
What is AI?
AI is machine learning. Machine learning is a software that can improve itself without any human programming or input. When initially developed, machine learning is given a parameter of what it is trying to optimize. The optimization could be speed, safety, accuracy, efficiency, etc. For instance, self-driving cars are optimized to continuously get safer.
So if a self-driving car gets in an accident, said vehicle will say to itself, “Wow. That was not the move. Let’s not do that again.” Then it self optimizes without a human programming the upgrade. Now imagine this same process for tons of different industries, like writing, sales, design, etc.
In other words: AI, or machine learning, is basically evolution for tech. But unlike the evolution of humans, AI doesn’t take a gazillion years to evolve. It takes days. AI can run countless simulations in a moment and have multiple instances running at the same time. A human can only learn at the speed of, well, experience.
Although AI constantly evolves, it also constantly makes mistakes. When humans learn from their mistakes, they learn from their experience. But AI is having millions of experiences at once, and learning from all of those mistakes at the same time. AI isn’t perfect — but it just might get there.
Google Responds to AI Copywriting
Working quietly and efficiently, Google has applied AI to functions like search, translation, and advertising for years. But now that AI applications have become dinner-table-talk, Google is working to respond in kind. Google’s latest AI application? Bard — a direct chatbot competitor to ChatGPT. But before we get into Bard, let’s hop into what ChatGPT is and how it went viral.

ChatGPT, created by Open AI, is a chatbot system that can answer specific questions about varying topics in a conversational manner. Like a human. ChatGPT can also write simple, straightforward content like blogs, articles, poetry, and short stories if prompted.
In November of 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT to the public— for free.
The release allowed non-techy folks the ability to actually conceptualize the real power AI has in creating content on the web. ChatGPT blew the minds of those who knew nothing about AI and thus became the gateway drug to further aspects of the AI tech scape.
A Rising Star
Although ChatGPT seemingly rose up into overnight stardome, Microsoft is betting that the AI service has even farther to go. Just last month Microsoft invested a whopping $10 billion dollars in OpenAI, after already investing $3 billion in previous years. Maybe we’ll see a new and improved version of Clippy? Who knows.
What we do know is that while ChatGPT gained clout, Google began planning its massive takeover on the competition. You didn’t think Google would be outdone, did you?
On Monday, February 6th 2023, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai spoke up about Bard— reminding the world who the true leader in AI is. Bard is different (and dare we say better) than ChatGPT because 1) Bard uses up-to-date Google research and data and 2) Bard is written in Google’s own language model, LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications).
ChatGPT is built on the GPT-3 language model, which is based on and created with open-sourced Google research from 2017. That was 5 years ago, might as well be an eternity in internet years — making Google’s Bard already ahead of the curve as far as the content it can produce.
Not only will Bard write more in-depth and complex, relevant material, but Bard will also enhance the search function of Google. Want to search Google and find a blog about women who knit sweaters for homeless alligators in Florida? Bard is what you want. However, if you want content that simply walks you through how to knit a sweater, ChatGPT will do just fine.
And while copywriters shake in their boots, there is one thing to remember about chatbot AIs: they are not as creative as humans.
They don’t know anything but what is harvested on the internet. Also consider the fact that Google deprioritizes content that reads like a bot wrote it. Bots can build a sentence but they can’t turn a phrase. And while many businesses think they are saving money and time by utilizing bots for copy, what they don’t realize is that they are losing their Google rankings, clients, and potential profits because of it.
AI Sales
AI had sunk its teeth deep into the sales and SaaS industry far before anyone really thought about it. For instance, consider the almighty conglomerate that is Salesforce. Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM system that can handle just about anything to do with the communication, sales, and the organization of clients. Salesforce utilizes AI to analyze client data and helps the platform to learn and anticipate new information.
In addition, AI allows Salesforce to convert prospects into paying customers by learning from its own data points, AKA, learning from its mistakes or the mistakes of the person using it.
A bonus of all that data is that Salesforce has the ability to analyze information and create KPIs for companies to manage their businesses and hit their profit margins— all based on factual, real data.
As previously discussed in the opening paragraph of this blog, AI touches many industries — especially the ones centered around people. Because people are hard, and learning what makes them tick is what rakes in the dough. The faster sales programs and other industries can figure out how people work, the more money these businesses can make.
AI Design
You know what really pisses graphic designers off? AI design. You know what makes them extra pissy? Novice designers hopping on an AI design platform and suddenly creating assets that would take an educated graphic designer hours to create on photoshop. And rightfully so.
Because great design is expensive, more and more companies are utilizing the convenience and affordability of AI design. But just as the copywriting robots are missing that extra flair of human creativity, so are the design bots. There is nothing like the true brilliance of a human being, be as these robots may try.
If you are a designer faced with the ever-changing landscape of the creative industry, we recommend leaning into AI. Utilize these AI platforms to do some of the lower-hanging dirty work that you’d rather pass off to an intern anyways. We recommend Adobe Sensei for getting ahead on work so that you can save your precious time for the stuff that really requires your golden expertise.
As hopeful as we are that our jobs won’t be lost to robots, we really can’t tell. They sure are trying. Will AI be able to wrangle and harness the human expression of creativity in coming years? Who knows. Will they ever? We hope not. Fingers crossed. But while the creatives of the world anxiously await their fate, we recommend utilizing AI to your advantage in order to optimize your workflow in ways that make sense ethically.
Although AI continues to threaten the copywriters and designers of the world, we here at Helix House are unbothered. We know the ins and outs of AI and how it can seriously damage Google rankings and overall ROI.
That’s why we offer qualifying clients a 300% ROI guarantee.
Because Helix House can do something that AI hasn’t quite been able to grasp just yet — and that is make small and enterprise level businesses tons of money with local and global advertising.
Don’t believe us? Check the stats.
And finally, while the prospects of AI still feel murky and unclear, one thing is for sure: AI is rocking the world of tech and beyond. And while we can’t predict the future, our bet is that AI will make the future better.
Imagine a world where cars drive themselves and people don't die in crushing, traumatic car accidents? Imagine a world where you could easily find a blog about women knitting sweaters for homeless alligators in Florida?
Can you even?