Imported item 332

January 1, 1970 12:00 AM

When people talk about web design and building a website, this is actually the part that freaks them out. They think there’s a lot of coding and design work that goes into making a single web page, and that adding the actual content is just a minor detail to be handled later.But in actuality, most of that design work is already done.That’s 1) why you use WordPress: because you can create a blog post or page with one mouse click.And 2) why you use themes: because all the design work is already done and pre-installed, and the beautifully-themed page or post was created as soon as you clicked the mouse in the previous sentence.

It’s easy to create a new post

Put your mouse over the Posts menu in the left sidebar, click Add New, and you’ll see the Add New Post window. Type in your title, add in your content, and click Publish.